BLACK LABEL SOCIETY's NICK CATANESE Interviewed On 'Iron City Rocks'

September 24, 2010

The "Iron City Rocks" podcast (web site) recently conducted an interview with BLACK LABEL SOCIETY guitarist Nick Catanese. The podcast is now available for streaming using the audio player below.

BLACK LABEL SOCIETY's new album, "Order Of The Black", sold around 33,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to enter The Billboard 200 chart at position No. 4.

BLACK LABEL SOCIETY's previous album, "Shot to Hell", opened with 32,000 units to land at No. 21. This was less than the 45,000 copies shifted by BLS's "Mafia" (Artemis) back in March 2005 to debut at No. 15.

"Order Of The Black" was released in North America via E1 Music. The CD features four unique covers designed by Zakk Wylde himself — one for each territory: North America, Europe, Asia and Australia/New Zealand.

An e-card for "Order Of The Black" is available at this location.

BLACK LABEL SOCIETY has just kicked off the "Black Label Berzerkus" headlining tour. The two-month North American trek also features CLUTCH, CHILDREN OF BODOM and 2CENTS, with the first two bands sharing the main support slot.


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